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Polish Dating in Canada

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Polish Girls & Men Data on Facebook: Know your chances of dating a Polish in Canada


If fate has thrown you to Canada, and you still have not decided on who you spend the rest of your life with, here are some tips for you. This beautiful country offers many opportunities to meet a Polish girl or man with the help of some Polish dating sites. First analyze the following data about Poles in Canada, which can help you understand your chances of dating a Polish.

Poles in Canada – Some Interesting Numbers

Number of Polish People in Canada by Sex & Age Group on Facebook

Age Group	Male	Female	Total	Female %
18-30		4,600	6,100	10,700	57%
31-40		4,200	6,300	10,500 	60%
41-50		3,000	5,100	8,100 	63%
51+		6,200	10,000	16,200	62%
*Data taken from Facebook; all numbers show members of Facebook

Facebook seem to host around 50,000 people of Polish origin living in Canada.

A significant part of them are people aged 18 to 30 (10,700) and 31-40 (10,500). These numbers are almost equal, showing that people in the first half of their life are the largest group of Polish emigrants. However, this is only when we count them together. Paradoxically, the largest group of Facebook users of Polish descent in Canada are people over 51 years of age, with over 16,000 profiles. Could they have been a trace of the period in which North America was the dream immigration destination for the Poles in 1990s?

Where to find most Polish singles in Canada?

Number of Polish People from All Ages by Sex in Canada by City on Facebook

City		Male	Female	Total	Female %
Toronto		7,600	11,000	18,600	59%
Montreal	1,100	2,000	3,100	65%
Vancouver	1,400	2,000	3,400	59%
*Data taken from Facebook; all numbers show members of Facebook

The dominant part of our compatriots in Canada is living in Toronto. Almost 19,000 Poles live in the largest Canadian city, but Montreal is the city with higher Polish women population. This is where the percentage of women is 65%! There is a good chance that those Polish girls might be having difficulty to find Polish men in Montreal!

If you are interested in dating a Pole in Canada, in Montreal, Toronto or Ottawa, it is worth visiting the dating sites for Polish immigrants. There are many of them, for example: Single Polish, Sympatia, eDarling, Mydwoje, Przeznaczeni, Dating o2, Polish Hearts, Polishdating, Polish Cupid, Polish Souls, Polish girl 4u, Cupid, Love 2 date Polish, Polish Love, We Love Pol , Polish Cupid. And seem to be the most popular site in Canada for Polish singles.

How to prepare for an online date?

Once you find a date online, make the most of your chance. If you are organizing a meeting, look at the profile of the person you invited to look for inspiration. It may turn out that the hobby she mentioned points to a place where she will feel good and in which she will not get bored.

To the place of your choice, choose your outfit, so as not to look too official, but at the same time look neat. Take care of your appearance, from hair and makeup, to nails and accessories. Prepare yourself mentally too - be ready for not securing a second date. Do not bring negative emotions or bad humor with you.

Online dating is not at all easier than the offline one. However, taking into account the number of dating sites in Canada, including those without registration, certainly every Polish living in Toronto or Montreal will find their dream partner.

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